Wang Lab Mission Statement

In our quest to lead the forefront of neuroscience, we are committed to conducting cutting-edge research that is as innovative and rigorous. Central to our ethos is a profound commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, understanding that these principles are not just vital to our team but are also key drivers of scientific innovation and breakthroughs. Recognizing that true progress in these areas demands continuous, collective effort, our lab is dedicated to fostering an atmosphere where these values are actively pursued and integrated into our research endeavors.

We aim to create an environment that is not only inspiring and collaborative but also deeply rooted in the pursuit of pioneering scientific discovery. This involves nurturing critical thinking, synthesis, and exploration at the highest levels. We achieve this by challenging stereotypes and fostering open, constructive dialogues about diversity and inclusion, which we believe are essential for fostering groundbreaking ideas and perspectives.

Through these commitments, our lab aspires to cultivate a culture that values diversity as a cornerstone of scientific excellence, promoting mutual understanding and respect among all members. We hold firm in our belief that the integration of these principles is crucial for pushing the boundaries of neuroscience and contributing significantly to the advancement of science.